About Me

I’m Mer­ri­ly Boone and love puz­zles and mys­ter­ies. I grew up in Seat­tle play­ing Clue and read­ing Nan­cy Drew. Our rainy days meant I could stay indoors and read—my favorite activity.

I attend­ed the Uni­ver­si­ty  of Wash­ing­ton and  earned a degree in Eng­lish. Along the way, I Writer picturemar­ried, taught school, and had a son.  Our cho­sen fam­i­ly vaca­tion place was the Pacif­ic Ocean coast.

 As I got old­er, my read­ing expand­ed to Agatha Christie, Josephine Tey, and romances.  Then I dis­cov­ered mod­ern Cozy Mys­ter­ies.  My favorites are Para­nor­mal mys­ter­ies, also known as “eerie enigmas.” 

In my writ­ing, I’ve joined my love of mys­tery and mag­ic. The result is my first book Find­ers Weep­ers set in Wood­land. I am work­ing on anoth­er para­nor­mal book, a cozy mys­tery Crime Flies set in Misty Beach.